I've posted a short video on you tube for those of you who are new to braiding. This is self taught and is no way for professional braids.
I tend to like braiding my own hair, this way it's not too tight, which can be a cause of breakage. Braiding is a great protective style when trying to grow your hair past your shoulders. The most crucial part of your growth stage is when your hair hits the shoulders. The constant brushing and sweeping of your hair against your clothes will break your hair. That is why you might never see growth past your shoulders.
Once braids are in, look after your hair. Before I'd educated myself I would wear my braids for a while before washing. Now I wash my braids with conditioner only, every two days and shampoo it once a week. Hair grows with a clean scalp so always keep it clean.
For any advise or comments please let me know and I will get back to you with the best answer that I can.
What now
Life never stays the same, things are constantly changing and in that moment I always ask myself What Now? Where to from here, and because I don't have the answers I let life lead me one day at a time. So each blog is just that, me taking one day at a time.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Saturday, 10 July 2010
The Tightly curly method
So it's been the seventh month without relaxing or straighting my hair and I'm loving the results. Not sure why I damaged my hair so much in the past. But we live and we learn and I will not use any chemicals on my hair again.
I'd been worried about styling as we all know how hectic it is to style a fro especially if it's dry and we don't know what to do with it. But with modern times there is so much to do with your Afro. This is how I came across the site tightlycurly.com. The lady, Terry, who started this method has some really great hair tips and this is just another one of the many ways to style your Afro. I'm loving this method, this is my second attempt at the tightly curly method and it's great. It's easy to maintain and my hair isn't drying out as much.
I'm not following it to the T. I pick and choose products that suit me and I love. She does mention products to stay away from one of them which is Henna. Unfortunately for me I use Henna to cover the greys that have started to show up at the back of my head. It is the only natural dying product that doesn't contain ammonia or peroxide. It won't damage your hair. The one I use isn't drying and I add skimmed yogurt, a bit of olive oil and honey to prevent my hair from drying out. My hair is doing great and if you ever need any styling tips for your Afro, check out Tightly curly.
You might just love it like I do.
Check out some of my pics of my first tightly curly. Excuse the half cut pictures, self taken :-).

Be blessed
I'd been worried about styling as we all know how hectic it is to style a fro especially if it's dry and we don't know what to do with it. But with modern times there is so much to do with your Afro. This is how I came across the site tightlycurly.com. The lady, Terry, who started this method has some really great hair tips and this is just another one of the many ways to style your Afro. I'm loving this method, this is my second attempt at the tightly curly method and it's great. It's easy to maintain and my hair isn't drying out as much.
I'm not following it to the T. I pick and choose products that suit me and I love. She does mention products to stay away from one of them which is Henna. Unfortunately for me I use Henna to cover the greys that have started to show up at the back of my head. It is the only natural dying product that doesn't contain ammonia or peroxide. It won't damage your hair. The one I use isn't drying and I add skimmed yogurt, a bit of olive oil and honey to prevent my hair from drying out. My hair is doing great and if you ever need any styling tips for your Afro, check out Tightly curly.
You might just love it like I do.
Check out some of my pics of my first tightly curly. Excuse the half cut pictures, self taken :-).

Be blessed
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Hmmm!! Wondering about the law of attraction
I've always been a believer in the law of attraction. The other word I'd use for it is faith. Growing up in a spiritual family we were always taught about faith.
But a few years ago I began to have my doubts. After my divorce I was up to my eyeballs in debt and every time I heard the postman walk up my drive fear would clutch to me so much I just dreaded the postman. Each letter was more demands and more debt and at one point I thought my house would be repossessed.
I had been reading the secret at the time and it was very hard to actually focus on anything but the debt that was right before me. I just couldn't see my way out that I began to think that the law of attraction didn't work or exist. But that couldn't be so because God exists and he governs the laws of the universe. Things became so bad to the point I just let go. I let go, handed back the keys to my MG and was about to let my house go as well. I just couldn't go on , couldn't fight anymore on so I just surrendered. Then something amazing happened.
I was taking my daughter to school one morning, walking through the snow and just allowing the snowflakes touch our tongues. I was in the moment and loving it. When I got home I checked my emails and there was a job offer sat right in my mail box. Not only that it was offering a salary I'd only dreamt of.
I took it on the conditions that I was free to take and drop my daughter from school. It was the amazing way things just fell into place when I let go. That was two years ago.
Money has just been presenting itself to me everywhere. I've stopped worrying about it, stopped taking loans, stopped depending on other people to loan me money. I discovered my own gold mine in my shed and the amazing power of the Internet and eBay. I never thought I'd be an entrepreneur but wow, things are looking great.
Never loose hope and never stop believing. The law of attraction is real and the minute you are in high vibration you will begin to match that vibration. I did ;-).
Be blessed always
But a few years ago I began to have my doubts. After my divorce I was up to my eyeballs in debt and every time I heard the postman walk up my drive fear would clutch to me so much I just dreaded the postman. Each letter was more demands and more debt and at one point I thought my house would be repossessed.
I had been reading the secret at the time and it was very hard to actually focus on anything but the debt that was right before me. I just couldn't see my way out that I began to think that the law of attraction didn't work or exist. But that couldn't be so because God exists and he governs the laws of the universe. Things became so bad to the point I just let go. I let go, handed back the keys to my MG and was about to let my house go as well. I just couldn't go on , couldn't fight anymore on so I just surrendered. Then something amazing happened.
I was taking my daughter to school one morning, walking through the snow and just allowing the snowflakes touch our tongues. I was in the moment and loving it. When I got home I checked my emails and there was a job offer sat right in my mail box. Not only that it was offering a salary I'd only dreamt of.
I took it on the conditions that I was free to take and drop my daughter from school. It was the amazing way things just fell into place when I let go. That was two years ago.
Money has just been presenting itself to me everywhere. I've stopped worrying about it, stopped taking loans, stopped depending on other people to loan me money. I discovered my own gold mine in my shed and the amazing power of the Internet and eBay. I never thought I'd be an entrepreneur but wow, things are looking great.
Never loose hope and never stop believing. The law of attraction is real and the minute you are in high vibration you will begin to match that vibration. I did ;-).
Be blessed always
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Loving yourself
I haven't been feeling well. The thing that amazes me the most is that I've looked after myself the best way I know how. Anyway I decided to stop looking at the illness and start focusing on getting well.
Sometimes we tend to identify with our illnesses, but we are not our illness. That is a total separate thing and for us to get better we need to focus on the positive. It's the positive energy that will heal our bodies, the negative, which I'd been wallowing in for a while is toxic. It doesn't help the situation. So I've got myself together and I'm focusing on getting well.
Life is now, it's beautiful and we need to live in the moment. Be it washing a car, taking a walk or simply reading. We must let go of everything and be in that moment.
If there is one thing I've learnt , it is, that no matter what is going on in your life, if you take one step of the time, by being in the here and now. Tomorrow, when it does come will be your here and now and you will deal with it just as you dealt with it today.
May God bless you.
Sometimes we tend to identify with our illnesses, but we are not our illness. That is a total separate thing and for us to get better we need to focus on the positive. It's the positive energy that will heal our bodies, the negative, which I'd been wallowing in for a while is toxic. It doesn't help the situation. So I've got myself together and I'm focusing on getting well.
Life is now, it's beautiful and we need to live in the moment. Be it washing a car, taking a walk or simply reading. We must let go of everything and be in that moment.
If there is one thing I've learnt , it is, that no matter what is going on in your life, if you take one step of the time, by being in the here and now. Tomorrow, when it does come will be your here and now and you will deal with it just as you dealt with it today.
May God bless you.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Trust Your Gut
I haven't been well and this kind of pisses me off a bit. You see, the thing is, I take care of myself very well. At least I hope so. I run twice a week, don't take sugar in my tea or cereal, have my five a day and drink at least two litres of water. You see I follow all the rules.
I guess I expected to be of perfect health all the time. Obviously this is impossible. I can accept the occasional cold and the flu but what I'm experiencing now is just not me. The thing is, what the doctor has diagnosed me with just doesn't make sense. I don't drink, nor do I eat highly fatty foods so it really sucks to think that after doing what's right I land up with what's wrong.
But after going through all the motions I have accepted that it is possible for a triathlon athlete to drop down dead at the age of 30 and a heavy smoker and drinker to live until the age of 90. Life has a funny way of teaching us more about ourselves than anything else. At the end of the day it really is about me. Not about the smoker I'd been resenting, that's their business, their life and their journey.
I decided to give up all the rules of what's good and what's bad and decided to refocus on what's good and what's bad for me as an individual instead. Yes, five a day is great, but what five a day are good for me? Of course excess sugar is bad, but what sugar is good for me? This has lead me to the book 'Eat right for your blood type' by Peter A'damo. What I've picked up from it so far is that as a blood type A, I really should be a vegetarian, with specific fruit and vegetables that I can eat.
Type A's have low stomach acid which makes the digestion of animal products quite difficult. Which can lead to stomach cancers, Gastritis and other sorts of stomach and bowel problems. This was my Aha! moment. It seems that even though I'd been doing the correct thing, I wasn't eating the correct thing for my blood type hence the diagnoses of the condition.
It's trial and error for me and like I said before, what might work for one type A person might not be what's right for me. We are all individuals with different needs. If our fingerprints are unique and no one on this planet can match them, then surely our health needs are just as unique. I guess we have to do what's right for us and as a guide I've began to follow the type A diet. And will see what works for me.
At the end of the day, follow your gut, it's always right. Only you know what you need. Listen to yourself because you are the only one that knows you.
Be blessed.
I guess I expected to be of perfect health all the time. Obviously this is impossible. I can accept the occasional cold and the flu but what I'm experiencing now is just not me. The thing is, what the doctor has diagnosed me with just doesn't make sense. I don't drink, nor do I eat highly fatty foods so it really sucks to think that after doing what's right I land up with what's wrong.
But after going through all the motions I have accepted that it is possible for a triathlon athlete to drop down dead at the age of 30 and a heavy smoker and drinker to live until the age of 90. Life has a funny way of teaching us more about ourselves than anything else. At the end of the day it really is about me. Not about the smoker I'd been resenting, that's their business, their life and their journey.
I decided to give up all the rules of what's good and what's bad and decided to refocus on what's good and what's bad for me as an individual instead. Yes, five a day is great, but what five a day are good for me? Of course excess sugar is bad, but what sugar is good for me? This has lead me to the book 'Eat right for your blood type' by Peter A'damo. What I've picked up from it so far is that as a blood type A, I really should be a vegetarian, with specific fruit and vegetables that I can eat.
Type A's have low stomach acid which makes the digestion of animal products quite difficult. Which can lead to stomach cancers, Gastritis and other sorts of stomach and bowel problems. This was my Aha! moment. It seems that even though I'd been doing the correct thing, I wasn't eating the correct thing for my blood type hence the diagnoses of the condition.
It's trial and error for me and like I said before, what might work for one type A person might not be what's right for me. We are all individuals with different needs. If our fingerprints are unique and no one on this planet can match them, then surely our health needs are just as unique. I guess we have to do what's right for us and as a guide I've began to follow the type A diet. And will see what works for me.
At the end of the day, follow your gut, it's always right. Only you know what you need. Listen to yourself because you are the only one that knows you.
Be blessed.
Monday, 5 April 2010
Beware of Ebay scams
You know what, I always ask questions. More often than not anything that seems too good to be true usually is. It's just crazy how some people operate and try to cheat you out of a buck. Well I was one of those people who got hit on by an eBay scammer.
I'd listed a mobile phone on eBay recently. What shocked me was the immediate response I got from it. Here is the email below
Hi, would you accept £240 for it inclusive shipping today, am sorry for the offer, I couldn't wait until the bidding ends ,once you provide to me with your PayPal it will do for sending the payment.
Pls, Write me back asap.
You have got to be kidding me!!!!! I'm not sure what attracted this person to me but there must’ve be something I said that made the person think I was an easy target. Not!! First of all why would someone offer me £240 on a mobile that is used and you can get the very mobile brand new for £199. No, no no, I dooo not think so. That doesn’t make sense to me. Alarm bells went off immediately. So I wrote back and told the person that if they really wanted the mobile, I'll put a buy it now offer on my eBay account for £160 and will ship it tomorrow.
This is the response I got back
Thanks for the email, there's bank holiday today, but I can still send the payment today once I have your PayPal email, it will do for sending the payment today and then ship it tomorrow morning.
Hope to hear from you soon.
What is it with this person wanting my email address? So I just wrote back what I'd said before. Click on the buy it now.
The person responded to say that the button was not working. Oh c'mon, tell that to my backhand. So I just told the person that if they are unwilling to use the buy it now button I'm not prepared to sell them the phone. So there. That was the end of it.
Apparently there is a scam going around that asks you for your papal address so they can make payment into your account. You will then get an email to say that funds have been put into your account and that you should please send the item to some place in Nigeria. The thing is, the email is so well duplicated that if you don't pay attention you could almost fall for it. It also claims that it will hold onto the funds until you've sent a tracking number of the item posted. Seriously??????
Never click on such emails. To make sure that money has been sent to your PayPal account go to the PayPal website directly and log on from there. So many people have been caught out by this scam, sending items to addresses in Nigeria and are never to able to track the item to get it back or get the money.
Always listen to your instincts. Never ever doubt yourself and always ask questions. It's your right to protect yourself first.
Be blessed.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Don't you just hate it when you can't make up your mind? Well I've been struggling with something the whole day. Not anything serious but it just keeps nagging at me to make a bloody decision. The thing is, I think I've made up my mind already but I keep justifying why I've chosen the path I've decided to take. Why can't I just make the decision and run with it. Right or Wrong without all the uhmms and aahhs?
Anyway I've just made a final adjustment and I will take full responsibility for the decision I've made. I don't have a choice really. Boy doesn’t it suck when you have to make the decisions? When you know that if you've made the wrong one you'll have to own up to it and take full responsibility. But hey, I guess that's what being grown up is all about.
Keep on living and loving yourself no matter what you decide.
God bless.
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