Thursday, 2 June 2011


I've posted a short video on you tube for those of you who are new to braiding. This is self taught and is no way for professional braids.

I tend to like braiding my own hair, this way it's not too tight, which can be a cause of breakage. Braiding is a great protective style when trying to grow your hair past your shoulders. The most crucial part of your growth stage is when your hair hits the shoulders. The constant brushing and sweeping of your hair against your clothes will break your hair. That is why you might never see growth past your shoulders.

Once braids are in, look after your hair. Before I'd educated myself I would wear my braids for a while before washing. Now I wash my braids with conditioner only, every two days and shampoo it once a week. Hair grows with a clean scalp so always keep it clean.

For any advise or comments please let me know and I will get back to you with the best answer that I can.

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