Sunday, 4 April 2010


Don't you just hate it when you can't make up your mind? Well I've been struggling with something the whole day. Not anything serious but it just keeps nagging at me to make a bloody decision. The thing is, I think I've made up my mind already but I keep justifying why I've chosen the path I've decided to take. Why can't I just make the decision and run with it. Right or Wrong without all the uhmms and aahhs?

Anyway I've just made a final adjustment and I will take full responsibility for the decision I've made.  I don't have a choice really. Boy doesn’t it suck when you have to make the decisions? When you know that if you've made the wrong one you'll have to own up to it and take full responsibility. But hey, I guess that's what being grown up is all about.

Keep on living and loving yourself no matter what you decide.

God bless.

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