Monday, 17 September 2007

I have plans

I have a plan or I had a plan. My plan was to go to New York next week. I'd sourced out everything I needed to know and today I was on the verge on getting my ticket when I get a temp job offer! Why at this time, why when I'm feeling content with my life does this job suddenly have to spring up now and it's an immediate start.

I've recked my brain about it and tried not to seek advice outside myself. This decision has to be mine and mine alone. I want to take total responsibility for the actions I'm going to take. I know what my gut is saying verses my head. The reasoning mind is telling me to go for the job. I came across a blog The article posted on the 20th August titled Do you ask why not me, gave me the answer I was looking for. I think I've made me decision.

There is a saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I want change so I'll go the road less travelled and like Alice in wonderland see how far the rabbit hole goes.

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