Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Get up and keep on going!

On the wrong side of the bed? Is that what you say when you wake up with one of those not so good moods. I really don't have a wrong side on my bed- well if I did I gather it's on the right side because that is where I found myself this morning. On the wrong side of the bed. Feeling like the world is on my shoulders- god knows I hate mornings like these so I usually try to get myself out of this funk by getting onto my step machine and giving it a good thirty minutes.

So I managed to conquer half my troubles, feeling better some what but I have this love hate relationship with the post man. On the one hand I want him to come so that I can know the fate of the two scripts I sent out about four weeks ago and another one which I sent out two months ago, but on the other hand if he delivers bad news like more bills which I notice are gathering onto the fridge -I just can't deal with right now- I don't want him shoving the post through my door.

Today he's early, I heard the letters drop through the letter box from my bedroom. My stomach does it's usual churns of anxiety. I take deep breaths and I can hear my daughter Naomi racing up the steps to deliver my post. She's got them behind her back, I need to guess how many letters I've got to day.
"Three!" I try to smile to keep the atmosphere light even though I can feel my heart racing. She shakes her head and smiles cunningly as she produces five letters. My heart sinks, I recognise the big white A4 envelop, it has my handwriting on it. A REJECTION! I don't care about the other letters now, they'll probably land on the kitchen top - which I'll have to get to sooner than later- but right now I open the envelope and read. The agent is very brief - not really what he's looking for, I shouldn't give up hope, there are as many opinions as there are agents to read your work and a web address with a listing of other agents.

Rejection is always painful no matter how it's presented. I did fling the letter away for a bit and let my emotions take over for a while. I sat on my bed and marinated in self pity. Then it occurred to me that maybe he was right. He may not have been the right agent for me.

I love this quote by Thomas Alva Edison
"I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

That said it all for me. If I let this one rejection stop me from pursuing my dreams then I will be accepting defeat so easily. So I'm parcelling up the script again tonight and in a day or two it will be landing on another agents desk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The quote says it all. It's just one lousy agent's opinion. He's entitled to it but you don't have to accept it as your reality. This is just a beginning of your greatness. Persevere.
